Writing about style, design and all things that catch my eye!

Perfectly imperfect and casually luxe; these are a few of my favorite things.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Whatever we did, we DIDN'T run!

Here's a brief glimpse into Seattle's most engaging and elaborate art event of September (potentially summer, too)-- the NEPO House 5K Don't Run extravaganza set up with site-specific stops and multiple performances happening along the route to artist Klara Glosova's Beacon Hill home. Participants started warming up (by chatting) in Occidental Park where there was an anonymous registration system handled by the Vis-a Vis Society. All we had to do was choose a name and hope that it wasn't already taken. We were A-OK on that front, so once our numbers were pinned to our shirts, I hopped on over to buy myself a t-shirt which was silk-screened on the spot for me by Duck Ugly. It sure is nice (and a little wrinkled from being carried around in a bag):

NEPO 5K paraphernalia
As we began moving in and out of various Pioneer Square galleries, the sun was very hot; thus, we had one child who wanted to go NO further. We feared that our team would soon have to pull out of this 'non-race'. That would have been a surefire letdown to our non-competitive, art loving spirit!

Paul Vexler at Foster/White Gallery
The GREAT news is that our teammate soon pulled out of her visible turmoil. Once we started trudging underneath the freeway (with all it's seedy elements) she was good to go. Before we knew it, we were making stops into shops that we would not normally even glance at. On foot, we started seeing the city with new eyes.

Whispers to me, shouts to me by Keely Isaak Meehan. This is one of
my favorite photos that I took-- what with the drama of that vibrant fabric and pose,
combined with the casual observation of the people walking by.

Almost to Beacon Hill-- glancing back at the city.

Amy-Ellen Flatchestedmama Trefsger
A Good Reminder to Always Sign Your Work.

I spy encouragement to keep going! Julie Albert & Andy Arkley
@ Fold-Up Elephant stop #22

Amanda Manitach - Free TV. Actually plugged in and working in a yard
along the sidewalk--
it was displaying mirrored, free floating images and words. 

Follow the arrows up a flight of stairs and down an alley to
find a garage installation by ________.

Mike Pham - Forever. Captivating performance. 

I started to take a picture of the shimmering silver strips
when the most adorable baby came out from beneath them.
Art for all ages!

 Arrival at the front door! Overall, it took about 3.5 hours...
I'd say that the general magic was in the camaraderie of a group of likeminded individuals exploring the city streets, galleries, sidewalks, front yards, garages, homes (etc), in a way that encouraged conversation while showing us a multitude of artistic talents. The constant juxtaposition of big city living was on view simply by walking along. There were some gritty societal elements, numerous architectural touches that I'd never noticed while driving by, a bird's eye view of the crazy Sounders traffic; and finally, the arrival at a contemporary home filled with people and art. 

NEPO Soap Box--all ready for the evening festivities.

The work that went into planning the minutia of tiny details must have felt never ending. For that, I feel thankful for a seamless day that felt otherworldly at times-- yet always incredibly special. After mingling near the FINISH line, we went out to Indian food and then caught the Light Rail back to the car. Whew- a time to rest!

Let's give a big round of applause to all who helped out! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Take a peek at the latest Prairie Underground!

Moto Hoodie

Fall 2011 Collection by Prairie Underground-- inspired by hand made clothing, uniforms, and distressed garments... I think I see a bit of the back-to-school look going on, too. From the mind of Davora Lindner, a Fine Arts grad and former sculptor; to that of Camilla Eckersley, a fashion industry pro with degrees from both Evergreen and the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandizing--- you'll see that they're putting their smarts and the arts into their
 edgy/chic styles! Learn more as you read along....

Don't you want in on this look? I have no idea what took me so long, yet in the last year, I have finally become a convert to the Prairie Underground line of clothing. The three pieces that I own have carried me stylishly to fashion shows, weekend markets, cocktail parties and even a middle-school parent night. There's a little something for everyone in their designs. You'll notice that some pieces are definitely structured; while others are certainly not. The delightful fact that they can often be mixed & matched is a bonus to your entire wardrobe-- especially when you need to pull together outfits quickly.

In a way that'll make you want to kiss the ground, these clothes are also comfortable, durable and washable. These thoughtful co-designers met in Nebraska in the 1980's, and have since carried their early influences out West to Seattle-- to the delight of a city that thrives on having eco friendly, local choices. In each of their collections, Prairie Underground has utilized sustainable fabrics such as hemp and organic cotton. They also help support the livelihood of a diminishing trade of local sewing contractors. There's so much to love...

For a full list of shops and websites, view this list. Please note that there's even a shop in Tokyo! To see even more styles (and colors) be sure to check out the full Prairie Underground Web Site and their facebook page

...plus, don't forget to tell me all about your favorite pieces!!!  Thanks, friends!
All photos courtesy and copyright of Prairie Underground.
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